Do It Naturally - Lubricant & Body Butter
Research shows that intimate products need to emulate the body's natural chemistry, otherwise; cellular walls and barriers are damaged causing susceptibility to disease and bacteria. Coconut Oil is high in lauric acid which naturally destroys bacteria, fungus and viruses. Our butters are absorbed quickly by the semi-permeable membrane of our cells, are non-sticky, and even edible! Many mothers to be have used this product to prevent tearing during birth and promote healing following birth.
"I feel passionate about combining good health practices with our most intimate moments. Our Do it Naturally intimacy line was designed with one sole intention, to connect our minds and bodies with a safe, health conscious product. We formulated an organic product. All our Southern Butter products are nourishing, moisturizing,stimulate your love-making, and make you feel more sensual. Feel good all over, it makes life a little sweeter." ~ Jodi, Owner and MA Health Psychology